Why is it important?

More efficient use of water, and other inputs, in agriculture is gaining importance with recent attention to sustainable resource use. By providing timely, accurate and field-scale information on the crop water use and crop water needs we can help farmers to optimize their practices with both economic and environmental benefits.

Project highlights:

Satellite data can be used to operationally produce potential and actual evapotranspiration maps.

Actionable information, such as crop water deficit, can be used by farmers to improve their irrigation practices.

NextLand store will allow easy access to produced maps through a modern user and machine-to-machine interfaces.

In more detail..

With the Copernicus Earth observation program reaching a mature stage, the time is right to develop operational commercial services based on this high-quality data. This is the aim on the NextLand project, with the focus on agricultural and forestry EO services. At DHI GRAS we have been developing advanced methods to estimate actual and potential evapotranspiration using data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites and infer crop water needs based on this information. This is the expertise which we are bringing to the NextLand consortium. Through co-creation with selected group of agricultural alpha-users we will fine-tune our evapotranspiration-based products and offer a valuable tool for optimizing irrigation practices with benefits both to the farmers and the environment.

European Commission:

NextLand is funded by the European Union’s H2020 Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration.

H2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme and a financial instrument aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness by driving economic growth and focusing on research as an investment for the future of Europe.

EOatDHI part of the DHI GROUP

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